
KS3 History 

At Archers Brook School, history encourages pupils to develop a clear knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We inspire all our pupil’s curiosity to learn more about the past and prepare our pupils to think critically.

We encourage all learners to develop an awareness of the process of change, diversity and events that have shaped their country over the many years.  

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Teachers’ practice is informed by up-to-date knowledge of continuing developments in the teaching and learning of history.

Pupils learn to approach historical enquiries as skilled investigators and are encouraged to develop their judgements about the value of historical evidence to form their own views of the past. Teachers have the confidence to refine their practice to ensure that teaching promotes good progress in history for all groups of pupils.

Lessons are well-planned, exciting and innovative. They are organised into sequences of manageable chunks, whilst also providing constant challenge and opportunity to progress.

Teaching and learning is under-pinned by the application of a range of Assessment for Learning strategies, from regular individual feedback and praise, to a programme of focussed formal assessments.   


Pupils develop good knowledge and understanding of people, events, and contexts from a range of selected historical periods and of historical chronology, concepts and processes.

They undertake challenging activities, including opportunities to research independently across a range of optional history topics.

Confidence and resilience are developed as pupils successfully consider, discuss and evaluate the past, developing their own questions and lines of enquiry.

The skills of research and enquiry utilised and improved during the course will transfer easily into future academic and work settings.



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Imperial War Museum 

BBC Bitesize 

World History Encyclopedia 



Chester Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 2NA

June Sedgwick | School Business Manager

0151 832 6600

Designated Safeguarding Lead -



At Archers Brook School we recognise the importance of building safe, supportive relationships with the children, young people and families that we work with. By applying the principles of Our Way of Working we celebrate our settings ability to apply a trauma informed approach.

Artsmark Parter Autism Accreditation West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber Of Commerce Forest School Association Sport England The Nurture Group Network The Duke Of Edinburgh Awards Healhty School The basic Skills Agency. Quality mark 3 chesire west & cheshire Investors In Families