PSD/Life Skills
At Archers Brook School the PSHE education curriculum is well designed to match the range of pupils’ needs, interests and aspirations and to ensure effective continuity and progression in their learning across all key stages. The programme for personal well-being is very highly regarded by pupils and enables them to lead safe and healthy lives. The subject makes a good contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and reinforces a range of personal and thinking skills. The subject makes an outstanding and sustained contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and reinforces well a range of personal and thinking skills. |
At Archers Brook school the Teachers demonstrate very high levels of confidence and expertise in their specialist knowledge and in their understanding of effective learning in PSHE education. The needs of all pupils, including the ablest, are met through highly effective and responsive teaching. Teachers ensure that pupils have their attainment and progress recognised across all aspects of knowledge and skills development in PSHE education. |
The impact of the curriculum at Archers Brook School allows pupils to understand well the factors associated with health and well-being. Pupils are making good progress in developing understanding and relevant skills in relation to business, enterprise, money management, the world of work and employability; they understand the links with work on personal finance in Careers and Life Skills lessons. Our aim is to introduce new activities and personal challenges that will encourage our young people to become:
Our pupils are encouraged to develop their understanding of Personal Social Development through imaginative lessons and personal challenges. PSD is delivered through timetabled sessions covering a range of topics from Healthy Living to Community Action. Pupils will develop portfolios at PSD Entry level.
Pupils will gain further understanding of PSD by participating in a 2 year course at PSD Level 1 or 2. This nationally recognised qualification is designed to get involved in practical activities and take on more responsibility and encourage our young people to take ownership of their own learning. We aim that through motivational challenges and activities, our young people will grasp opportunities both in school, in the workplace and at home.