

In Science we plan a curriculum which is broad, balanced and well informed, designed to match the full range of pupils’ needs and to ensure highly effective continuity and progression in their learning. The curriculum equips pupils in all year groups with an excellent balance of subject knowledge and understanding, and the skills of scientific enquiry. To enable them have an awareness of the scientific society in which they live.

The context in which science is taught is relevant to pupils’ lives, capture their interest and reflects current science from the worlds of industry, research and other science-based endeavours such as health care but is also flexible to allow current science topics that make the news to be understood.

At key stage 2, the key ideas are regularly reinforced over time through practical work.

In key stage 3 and 4, sufficient time and high quality practical resources are used to teach science through practical investigation and illustrations are provided, that promote pupils understanding and progression.

There is an expectation that all pupils on pathway 2 will meet the statutory entitlement to study a science course that leads to 2 GCSE’s. (AQA Science Trilogy)

Those on pathway 1 will work towards the most suitable externally accredited qualification.


Pupils are taught Science as a core subject at Archers Brook. Lessons are carefully planned to stimulate pupils’ thoughts and address common misconceptions. The curriculum is broken down into topics based on either Biology, Chemistry or Physics; Most topics include aspects of science investigation. This allows pupils to make connections between individual topics, as well as being scientifically literate and understand the impact of science on society.

All pupils take an active participation in their learning with subject teachers communicating high expectations, enthusiasm and passion when delivering curriculum content. This in effect inspires pupils to produce the best work they can and allows all pupils to make progress over time.


Pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the subject curriculum and, as a result, achieve well. This is reflected in results from examinations, which meet government expectations of progress at KS2 and in the qualifications obtained at KS4.

We support pupils so that they are ready for the next stage of education, employment or training. That they have the knowledge and skills they need and, where relevant, they gain qualifications that allow them to go on to destinations that meet their interests and aspirations and the intention of their course of study. We endeavour that all pupils achieve the best possible outcomes in this subject.


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Chester Road, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 2NA

June Sedgwick | School Business Manager

0151 832 6600

Designated Safeguarding Lead -


At Archers Brook School we recognise the importance of building safe, supportive relationships with the children, young people and families that we work with. By applying the principles of Our Way of Working we celebrate our settings ability to apply a trauma informed approach.

Artsmark Parter Autism Accreditation West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber Of Commerce Forest School Association Sport England The Nurture Group Network The Duke Of Edinburgh Awards Healhty School The basic Skills Agency. Quality mark 3 chesire west & cheshire Investors In Families